Getting started
Before you begin, we recommend installing the NPM packages for the Skip Framework.
npm install @skiplabs/skip
The @skiplabs/skip
package just depends on the separate component packages:
: The Skip Runtime public API@skipruntime/server
: Expose a reactive service through HTTP/SSE servers@skipruntime/helpers
: Potentially useful functionality for working with Skip@skipruntime/wasm
: The Wasm version of the Skip Runtime
and optionally:
: The native version of the Skip Runtime@skip-adapter/postgres
: Connector between PostgreSQL and Skip
Note that two versions of the runtime are available, Wasm @skipruntime/wasm
and native @skipruntime/native
The Wasm runtime works with both node
and bun
, but is limited to Wasm's 32-bit memory address space.
The native runtime does not have this limitation, but it is currently only available for Node and is a bit more involved to install.
The Wasm runtime is installed by default, but a package using Skip can choose to explicitly depend on only @skipruntime/core
, @skipruntime/server
, and @skipruntime/native
to reduce weight.
The Wasm runtime can be installed separately with npm install @skipruntime/wasm
and the native runtime by following the instructions.
We have several resources available to help you learn the Skip framework, depending on your background and preferences.
This guide takes a "top-down" approach, showing you how to use our APIs in an idiomatic and practical way. We recommend that most users start here.
Finally, if you'd like to just dive into the code, you can explore the API docs, examples of reactive services, or an example configuration complete with reverse proxy and database.
This guide will walk you through getting your first reactive service up and running using the Skip runtime. It will also show how to write client code to read or subscribe to data from your reactive service.
We aim to make this as beginner friendly as possible, but assume an understanding of programming basics, including core JavaScript/Typescript syntax and semantics.
Reactive programming
Skip is a framework for building reactive software which is responsive to changing inputs in real-time, efficient to execute, and intuitive to write and reason about.
From the outside, reactive services can be treated similarly to streaming sources: they push real-time updates to clients and other subscribers, supporting smooth real-time user experiences. Unlike event-based streaming frameworks, though, Skip programs are written in a declarative style: instead of reasoning about updates directly, you write code that reasons about a "current" snapshot of state, and the Skip framework automatically processes changes and keeps everything in sync.
In order to do so, Skip tracks dependencies in a computation graph in which input changes can be propagated through to relevant outputs without reevaluating any computation whose inputs haven't changed.
Skip's core abstractions are best understood in terms of this computation graph.
The primary data structure used in Skip is called a collection, and associates keys with one or more values. Collection keys and values are both immutable data stored in the Skip framework's native heap; in Typescript, any JSON-serializable value can be used (that is: primitives, arrays, objects, and nested combinations thereof, but not functions or classes). Collections can be accessed by key or manipulated to create new collections.
These manipulations do not mutate in-place but instead create a new collection in the computation graph with a dependency edge from the input collection(s).
For example,
creates a new collection with the results of applying Foo
to the data in collection
, which is then updated in real time whenever the contents of collection
(Along with map
, Skip collections offer mapReduce
and utilities like merge
, slice
, etc.)
Maps and other operations over Skip collections can be sequenced and combined to create complex computation graphs which are maintained up-to-date by reexecuting computation edges when inputs change. Due to the structured nature of collections and maps, this can be done very efficiently -- always proportional to the size of the change, not the total size of the collection.
However, in order for the Skip framework to process updates correctly by reexecuting portions of its computation graph on changed inputs, it is crucial to capture all relevant dependencies.
For example, if a mapper function (like Foo
above) above reads and/or writes some global mutable state, then it may produce unexpected values when reexecuted by the framework.
In order to mitigate this, Skip programs written in Typescript use Mapper
classes to define reactive computations which avoid the most problematic cases of untracked dependencies.
Nonetheless, while reading this guide and working with Skip, it is important to reason about (im)mutability and avoid side-effects in your code so that it can be reliably evaluated by the framework.
Some examples of Mappers are shown below and more details are available here or in the API docs.
The anatomy of a Skip service
Let's consider an example reactive service, powering a real-time feature in a social media application with the following types.
type UserID = number;
type GroupID = number;
type User = { name: string; active?: boolean; friends: UserID[] };
type Group = { name: string; members: UserID[] };
Suppose we want to display to users which of their currently-active friends are members of some group(s).
The logic is straightforward: filter the group's members
by (1) intersection with the current user's friends
and (2) those friends' active
However, it is far from trivial to maintain up-to-date information in real time as group membership lists, user friend lists, and user activity status are all changing.
Skip is designed to bridge this gap, letting you express the moment-in-time logic and leave updates and state management to the framework.
At its core, a Skip service is a reactive computation graph describing how to compute some output resources from some input data and/or external API inputs.
A service is specified by an object passed to runService
, which will then spin up a Skip runtime and server.
That object consists of initialData
used to populate the service's input collections, some resources
to make available over HTTP, and a function createGraph
defining a static computation graph mapping the ServiceInputs
to ResourceInputs
This static computation graph will be maintained up-to-date at all times, and can be an arbitrarily complex computation graph or as simple as returning the input collections directly, depending on the service.
In this example, we pull initial user and group data from an external source-of-truth database, expose a single resource called activeFriends
, and define a reactive computation of the active users in each group.
// Type alias for inputs to our service
type ServiceInputs = {
users: EagerCollection<UserID, User>;
groups: EagerCollection<GroupID, Group>;
// Type alias for inputs to the active friends resource
type ResourceInputs = {
users: EagerCollection<UserID, User>;
activeMembers: EagerCollection<GroupID, UserID>;
// Mapper function to compute the active users of each group
class ActiveMembers implements Mapper<GroupID, Group, GroupID, UserID> {
constructor(private users: EagerCollection<UserID, User>) {}
mapEntry(gid: GroupID, group: Values<Group>): Iterable<[GroupID, UserID]> {
return group
.members.flatMap((uid) =>
this.users.getUnique(uid).active ? [[gid, uid]] : [],
// Load initial data from a source-of-truth database (mocked for simplicity)
const initialData: InitialData<ServiceInputs> = {
users: ... ,
groups: ... ,
// Specify and run the reactive service
const service = {
resources: {},
createGraph(input: ServiceInputs): ResourceInputs {
const activeMembers =, users);
return { users: input.users, activeMembers };
await runService(service);
This example service operates over two input collections (one for users and one for groups, as specified by ServiceInputs
) and passes some ResourceInputs
to its resources: a reactively-computed collection activeMembers
of the set of active users in each group, along with the users
input collection.
This activeMembers
collection is the "output" of the static computation graph, produced by mapping over the input groups and taking users that have the active
flag set; since this only has to be done once for the entire service, it can be maintained at all times.
Our service wants to expose a resource -- parameterized by a user ID -- which can be queried or subscribed to by clients to view that user's active friends in each group. Maintaining this resource up-to-date for all users at all times would be infeasible at scale, so resources can make dynamic extensions to the reactive computation graph which are instantiated/dropped as needed to serve requests.
Resources are parameterized by some input HTTP params
and use an instantiate
function to set up any reactive computation, operating over the service's ResourceInputs
to produce a single output collection.
// Mapper function to find users that are active and also friends with `user`
class FilterFriends implements Mapper<GroupID, UserID, GroupID, UserID> {
constructor(private readonly user: User) {}
mapEntry(gid: GroupID, uids: Values<UserID>): Iterable<[GroupID, UserID]> {
return uids
.flatMap((uid) => (this.user.friends.includes(uid) ? [[gid, uid]] : []));
class ActiveFriends implements Resource<ResourceInputs> {
private readonly uid: UserID;
constructor(params: Json) {
if (typeof params != "number")
throw new Error("Missing required number parameter 'uid'");
this.uid = params;
instantiate(inputs: ResourceInputs): EagerCollection<GroupID, UserID> {
const user = inputs.users.getUnique(this.uid);
return, user);
In this example, our ActiveFriends
resource filters each groups' current active users to those users who are also currently friends with the given uid
See it in action
This guide aims to give the high-level ideas of how to write and reason about a Skip reactive service. You can see and run the full example here, along with a corresponding web application and client.
Run the service and web app as follows:
cd skipruntime-ts/examples
npm run build
node dist/groups-server.js &
node dist/groups.js &
With the reactive service running, you can run the client script with node dist/groups-client.js
and see changes in active_friends
reflected in real time as users' friend lists, active
status, and group memberships change.
Alternatively, use curl to listen for updates, e.g. with
curl -LN http://localhost:8082/active_friends/0
and see the raw event stream as you issue updates to the input users
and groups
data from another shell.
Next steps
This guide implements an example reactive service which can be queried or subscribed to by user's clients to see up-to-date listings of which of their active friends belong to each group, maintained up to date as input data changes without any explicit management of updates in the service's declarative logic.
We've shown the core reactive logic here without going into full detail on how to deploy and interact with a Skip service; see the Deploying guide for more details on how to wire reactivity into a generic web application, including how to handle user writes and feed those into input collections.
We've also elided the details of syncing data from external sources like databases or non-reactive APIs; see the Externals guide for more details on how to keep your reactive service hydrated and in sync with updates from other components of your application.