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This is the Skip Runtime public API: types and operations that can be used to write and interact with reactive computations.

Type Aliases

Type aliasDescription
CollectionUpdatePartial update to a collection
DepSafeA DepSafe value is dependency-safe and can be used safely in reactive computations.
EntryAssociation of a key to multiple values.
InitialDataInitial data for a service's input collections.
JsonJSON-serializable values.
JsonObjectObjects containing Json values.
ManagedValues that are either unmodifiable or tracked by the Skip Runtime.
NamedCollectionsAssociation of names to collections.
NullablePotentially null values.
OpaqueType that is tagged to distinguish it from the underlying untagged type.
WatermarkOpaque type used as a measure of abstract time.


ContextSkip Runtime internal state.
EagerCollectionA reactive collection eagerly kept up-to-date.
ExternalServiceInterface to an external service.
LazyCollectionA lazy reactive collection, whose values are computed only when queried.
LazyComputeReactive function that is computed lazily and memoized.
MapperReactive function that can be mapped over a collection.
ReducerReactive function that can be used to accumulate each key's values.
ResourceResource provided by a SkipService.
SkipServiceA Skip reactive service encapsulating a reactive computation.
ValuesAn iterable collection of dependency-safe values.


SkipClassNameErrorException indicating a non-top-level class being used as a mapper/reducer/etc.
SkipErrorUmbrella type for run-time errors thrown by the Skip runtime.
SkipFetchErrorException indicating that a fetch returned an HTTP status outside of the 200-299 range.
SkipNonUniqueValueErrorException indicating a key did not have a unique value.
SkipResourceInstanceInUseErrorException indicating a resource instance is already in use.
SkipRESTErrorException indicating a malformed REST query to a Skip service.
SkipUnknownCollectionErrorException indicating an attempted read/write to a collection that does not exist.
SkipUnknownResourceErrorException indicating an attempted read/write to a resource that does not exist.


deepFreezeDeep-freeze an object, making it dependency-safe.