This is the Skip Runtime public API: types and operations that can be used to write and interact with reactive computations.
Type Aliases
Type alias | Description |
CollectionUpdate | Partial update to a collection |
DepSafe | A DepSafe value is dependency-safe and can be used safely in reactive computations. |
Entry | Association of a key to multiple values. |
InitialData | Initial data for a service's input collections. |
Json | JSON-serializable values. |
JsonObject | Objects containing Json values. |
Managed | Values that are either unmodifiable or tracked by the Skip Runtime. |
NamedCollections | Association of names to collections. |
Nullable | Potentially null values. |
Opaque | Type that is tagged to distinguish it from the underlying untagged type. |
Watermark | Opaque type used as a measure of abstract time. |
Interface | Description |
Context | Skip Runtime internal state. |
EagerCollection | A reactive collection eagerly kept up-to-date. |
ExternalService | Interface to an external service. |
LazyCollection | A lazy reactive collection, whose values are computed only when queried. |
LazyCompute | Reactive function that is computed lazily and memoized. |
Mapper | Reactive function that can be mapped over a collection. |
Reducer | Reactive function that can be used to accumulate each key's values. |
Resource | Resource provided by a SkipService . |
SkipService | A Skip reactive service encapsulating a reactive computation. |
Values | An iterable collection of dependency-safe values. |
Class | Description |
SkipClassNameError | Exception indicating a non-top-level class being used as a mapper/reducer/etc. |
SkipError | Umbrella type for run-time errors thrown by the Skip runtime. |
SkipFetchError | Exception indicating that a fetch returned an HTTP status outside of the 200-299 range. |
SkipNonUniqueValueError | Exception indicating a key did not have a unique value. |
SkipResourceInstanceInUseError | Exception indicating a resource instance is already in use. |
SkipRESTError | Exception indicating a malformed REST query to a Skip service. |
SkipUnknownCollectionError | Exception indicating an attempted read/write to a collection that does not exist. |
SkipUnknownResourceError | Exception indicating an attempted read/write to a resource that does not exist. |
Function | Description |
deepFreeze | Deep-freeze an object, making it dependency-safe. |